'It has challenges:' Newlywed Carrie Underwood admits

She explained that when they were first married they kept their separate homes.

but with hockey player Fisher's transfer to The Nashville Predators from Canadian club Ottawa Senators he has moved into Carrie's home - bringing all his belongings.

'Well, we started out you know we got married. He went back to Canada.  I went back to Nashville... then he got traded to Nashville.

'He came and he brought all of his crap with him. Our house became...he's not a hoarder but he's close, maybe.'

Ellen queried why the 27-year-old had never noticed this before.

But Carrie explained: 'We had it in all the guests bedrooms and he had it boxed up and stuff. He's like babe, I need more space in the closet and my heart just sinks.

'He'll keep like shirts and stuff and I'll go through it. You online shop, you go shopping. He loves to shop.  He's going to kill me.

'He has stuff come in and I'm like it's not going out fast enough.  If you bring stuff in and stuff needs to go out.  Do we need this shirt? It has a giant stain on the sleeve. Are we going to wear this again? No, then do something with it.  It's still hanging up there.'

And when asked if Fisher was neat, she replied: 'No, oh no, no, no. It's everywhere.'

Admitting her husband might think she was a 'nag', Carrie explained that they were having to learn to compromise.

And it's not just Fisher's tidiness which is causing problems.

Fisher, 30, caused some controversy when he transferred to the Predators.

According to The Vancouver Sun, an outraged radio station made accusations that he was lured away from the Canadian capital 'by a country-music superstar.'

The station apparently also publicly banned her songs from the air, which drew a reaction from Fisher.

'I heard about it right away and Carrie heard about it and she was extremely disappointed and frustrated - I think they meant it as a joke that really wasn't funny,' he told the newspaper.

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Par louboutin09 le jeudi 07 avril 2011


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